[Mingw-users] How do you pronounce MinGW?
2002-12-18 04:31:07 UTC
Hello, Sir(s),

I'm not a native English speaker and I can't find it in FAQ and Google. How
do you say it?
Min-Go? Min-G-W?

Ilion Hsiao, Taiwan
Oscar Fuentes
2002-12-18 04:58:02 UTC
Post by Ilion
I'm not a native English speaker and I can't find it in FAQ and Google. How
do you say it?
Min-Go? Min-G-W?
That was discussed on this mailing list time ago. Final conclusion:
there are at least as many pronunciations as users participated on the
discussion :-)
Brenden Towey
2002-12-18 05:24:02 UTC
Min-Go? Isn't that the evil whispering Fungi of Yuggoth from
Lovecraft's mythos? I like it! I always wanted a software package
named after the Elder Things, and now I have one!

I vote we name it Min-Go, the evil whispering GNU port of Yuggoth's

:) :) :)
Post by Oscar Fuentes
Post by Ilion
I'm not a native English speaker and I can't find it in FAQ and Google. How
do you say it?
Min-Go? Min-G-W?
there are at least as many pronunciations as users participated on the
discussion :-)
Nehal Mistry
2002-12-18 07:04:03 UTC
Post by Oscar Fuentes
Post by Ilion
I'm not a native English speaker and I can't find it in FAQ and Google. How
do you say it?
Min-Go? Min-G-W?
there are at least as many pronunciations as users participated on the
discussion :-)
Oscar, u think u can point me to this thread, im curious :)
btw, i always say it as"ming-w" (where the "w" is pronounced as "double-u")
Oscar Fuentes
2002-12-18 15:54:03 UTC
Post by Oscar Fuentes
there are at least as many pronunciations as users participated on
the discussion :-)
Oscar, u think u can point me to this thread, im curious :) btw, i
always say it as"ming-w" (where the "w" is pronounced as "double-u")
The discussion was just quoted by Keiichi Takahashi.
Keiichi Takahashi
2002-12-18 05:18:02 UTC
Post by Ilion
I'm not a native English speaker and I can't find it in FAQ and Google. How
do you say it?
Min-Go? Min-G-W?
I also had the same question and found the following logs in the
archive. Thanx.

Post by Ilion
Re: MinGW logo
2002-02-19 05:48
Post by Ilion
I like the way "MinGW" looks on paper more so than "MingW" or
Post by Ilion
although I'll admit to never considering oral pronunciation. How DO
you say
Post by Ilion
"MinGW" out loud? Something like "ming-WAH"? (kinda
Klingon-sounding, don't
Post by Ilion
you think?)
Re: MinGW logo
2002-02-19 05:56
Considering it's "Minimalist GNU for Windows" MinGW seems to make
sense. As far as pronunciation, I've always (without thinking)
Post by Ilion
it as "Ming - Win" But then I'm a geek nutcase...
Re: MinGW logo
2002-02-19 09:16
Post by Ilion
I write it 'MinGW' and pronounce it "Ming-Doubleyou," meaning be
buggered. Saying 'Min Gee Doubleyou' means a whole mouthful of hard
consonants, whereas 'Ming' sounds sorta cute.
It's the W that's the problem, though. "MingWin" would be easier
to say.
Post by Ilion
they'd write one about /that/.
Re: MinGW logo
2002-02-19 19:55
'Mingey' rolls into the 'Doubleyou' so it's all one word, whereas 'Ming
Doubleyou' requires a stop between the two words.
If anyone should care...I'm a native german speaker and I pronounce
it like
Post by Ilion
english people would pronounce "MingWin", but leaving the "in" part
at the
Post by Ilion
end away.
Re: MinGW logo
2002-02-20 04:38
Post by Ilion
Haha... I don't know if it's really an interesting discussion or
just a
Post by Ilion
colossal waste of time, but it's been interesting to me! Just to
throw my
Post by Ilion
two cents in, I've also always used "Ming-Win". It's true that this adds
some "ghost letters" that aren't really there... but it rolls of the
Post by Ilion
well, and I like the way that it rhymes with "penguin" (a neat little
nod at
Post by Ilion
GCC's Linux roots). However, I kinda hope that MinGW never
Post by Ilion
on any one pronunciation or the other.
Re: MinGW logo
2002-02-21 08:00
Post by Ilion
For the archives: I pronounce it mingw (min like in ming,
g like gandalf, and w like very). And yes, i've already
used it in vocal conversation, native german.
Keiichi Takahashi, bitWalk Co.,Ltd.
Earnie Boyd
2002-12-18 10:23:04 UTC
Post by Ilion
Hello, Sir(s),
I'm not a native English speaker and I can't find it in FAQ and Google. How
do you say it?
Min-Go? Min-G-W?
I pronounce it Min-G-W, just for record of this thread.

Soren A
2002-12-18 13:07:09 UTC
How do you say it?
Min-Go? Min-G-W?
It doesn't make any sense, but nevertheless I usually say "ming-double-u"
("MING" like in the name of the Chinese dynasty, followed by "W" like in
the name of the letter 'W').

Earnie's pronunciation is IMO the one that makes *sense* ("min"-"G"-"W")
as far as the *meaning* of the acronym goes, but it is verbally clumsy
and laborious.

I do think that "min-gew" [hard 'g'] (or "min-gu" for the vast majority
of people in the world who speak langauages that are spelled out with
vowels that default to "long u", like most Romance languages, Japanese,
etc... except that Jap. terminal "u" is generally "swallowed" ...),
might be the best compromize. Like the "Yew" tree or "jewel, blew, flew,
knew". That way, we acknowledge that there's really a "U" sound in there
(from gnU) and keep the "W" more or less silent (as we'd prefer Redmond
to be ;-).

Or we could go with "min-knew"! That would approximate an alternate
pronuciation of 'gnu' (which is really supposed to have a hard 'g'
followed by a second syllable 'nu', but...). I have an Indian friend
named "Meenu". Yes, then, I want "MinGW" pronounced in honor of my
friend "Meenu". "Min-Knew" (English silent "K").

Boy I need to get back to work .... ;-)

Soren A